#Start22Now package
The #Start22Now package is a limited #NewDeal special and offers anyone who is not yet an EPHI and would like to be THE opportunity to start with one Exclusive package from a perfectly coordinated collection of products, papers, documents and information to get off to a good start and become a part of the "Nation of Ephraim".
The #Start22Now package has a total value of €555.00 and is a limited edition of 100 pieces at an exclusive price of €197.00.
You register with Ephraim, a priest living according to the order of Melchizedek and acquire lifelong membership in the community of heirs of Jacob and the subject of international law "Nation Ephraim"
The EPHI ID Card is the official identity card of the nation of Ephraim.
With the EPHI ID card, the owner commits to Ephraim according to the free democratic basic order GG Art. 4,9 & 140. (Genesis 48, Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 37, Zechariah 9.9-13)
The EPHI ID Card confirms that the owner belongs to the 12 tribes of Israel, even if he is not a Jew. The terms and conditions of Ephraim are the Torah of Moses & the Prophets of Israel (Bible).
Only gold and silver are real money. This is true today, just as it was in the biblical times of Abraham or Moses. Our first issue of the 7.77g fine silver TempleCoin deals with the restoration of the 12-tribe kingdom of Israel by the firstborn Ephraim.
The Exclusive EPHI Manual is a ring binder containing a compilation of documents and documents intended to make your start as an EPHI easier and giving you a compact overview of the entire EPHI universe.
The EPHI Manual Ring Binder comes in an Exclusive Zion5777.com Presentation Folder.
This First Expansion - Law & Order of “The Law of Rome” contains an expanded collection of the 10 most important current and valid international laws and treaties, especially the texts that have been passed or signed after the last edition. (German English)
This Antisemitism Report is a collaborative project of the Nation of Ephraim and presents the issue of antisemitism in all its diversity, most notably antisemitism against non-Jews and antisemitism against the lost tribes of Israel. (German)
International Religious Freedom with President Donald J. Trump provides an overview of Donald Trump's work on Israel and International Religious Freedom after receiving Ephraim's letter dated 09/15/2018. (English)
The Media Truth™ offering on Zion5777.com includes the Melchizedek Research Library, a unique knowledge base that was created after 7 years as Ephraim, priest of the order of Melchizedek according to Torah and Prophets and contains over 500 hours of video material, also:
access to All Channels
access to all blog articles
and access to exclusive Bible-Wisdom information, including the weekly Torah reading
and access to the entire ONLINE COMMUNITY of Zion5777.com, inclusive of all groups, the online zoom meetings, Events & Events, the Members' Forum and the complete database
The TorahClub.com domain is a Zion-centric and Bible-based online learning platform from the Ephraim Media Truth™ universe that provides information in the form of courses and lessons.
With the #Start22Now package you will receive an exclusive voucher CODE with which you can access the TorahClub.com exclusive content.
Current TorahClub courses included in the #Start22Now package:
(1) 8 Steps to Zion - 9 Lessons - 33:03 min - Free
How do we achieve peace in Zion in 8 simple steps?
(2) 21 Day Kingdom Start-Up Training - 22 Lessons - 5h 9:59 min - €5.00 EUR
The first 21 days of Jacob's Great Awakening on his way to Zion.
(3) Ephraim Media Truth AGB - 18 Lessons - 34:22 min - Free
Introduction to the General Terms and Conditions, the legal framework and terminology
(4) Make Money with Ephraim Media Truth - 6 Lessons - 1h 50:26 min - Free
Tell the truth and earn money legally - the chance for every poor citizen with a PC or smart phone.
(5) Who is Ephraim? - 5 lessons - 35:12 min - 10,-€
This course gives an overview of the last 2500 years of German history, which has been shaped by Rome and Jesus since the year 0.
(6) The Abrahamic tribes - 9 lessons - 46:01 min - 10,-€
The mini-course "The Abrahamic Tribes" provides an overview of who the descendants of Abraham are today. The houses of Judah, Israel, Edom, Amalek and Ishmael are explicitly explained using passages from the Bible. Also learn who the Beast, the Dragon & the False Prophet are from the Book of Revelation.
(7) Daniel [English]- 20 lessons - 14h 12:40 min - 10,-€
The Visions of Daniel and the Book of Revelation Un-Locked - "Sanhedrin Special" - incl. the complete 5000 page documentation sent to Rabbi Hillel Weiss via EMS April 23, 2020
(8) Last Judgment of the Apocalypse - 69 lessons - 33h 15:13 min - 27,-€ pm
In the final judgment of the apocalypse on August 24, 2018, the top 100 most influential people from politics, business and the media were judged according to DUNS.
(9) Zion elite - 117 lessons - 122h 52:53 min - €47 + €7.77 pm
The Zion-centric post apocalypse educational channel and business intelligence service for Israel's chosen ones in German and English.
(10) #ReSet2021 - The Great Torah Awakening - 5 lessons - 1h 13:22 min - 27,-€
This course explains the #RESET2021, which is fluent and interactive and multi-media in every respect, and explains how the goals of #RESET2021 are to be achieved.
(11) Law & Order [English] - 8 lessons - 2h 10:23 min - €27
This course explains the #RESET2021, which is fluent and interactive and multi-media in every respect, and explains how the goals of #RESET2021 are to be achieved.
(12) Ephraim National Gold & Silver Trust - 15 lessons - 2h 22:23 min - €1
A presentation in 2 parts entitled: Money, Debt, US Dollars and the Ephraim National Gold & Silver Trust