Zion5777 Online Community
The network for friends of the Bible and Israel
Get involved with real people in working groups and forums
Claim your Biblical Heritage
Out of democracy and into the kingdom of Israel
100% LEGAL from the hand of Pope Francis
Zion5777.com is the ZION-centered and BIBLE-based online community of the community of heirs of Jacob - a group of free thinking and acting people who believe in the 100% truthfulness of the word of God under Ephraim, Ulf Diebel, priest according to order Melchizedeks have joined forces.
Talk freely with other EPHIS about Bible prophecy, the teaching of the Torah and current local and world political issues relating to Israel, about the Communist Agenda from Corona to election fraud in the USA and the entanglements of the Vatican and the Catholic Church - the Whore BABYLON.
Get involved with real people in working groups and forums to bring the Kingdom of Zion back to Israel from the hands of Pope Francis and to claim your biblical inheritance.
This is what our community offers
“We have conspired with God and from freedom have become slaves of justice. Because I am a Hebrew. "
Chief Content Performer
"After an eventful life, I trust with all my strength in the promise of the imminent coming of the kingdom of God."
Security advisor
"A living son of God chosen from the beginning of all times Consciousness and full responsibility before God I say Keep it strong and smoke Weed every day."
CEO Holy Weed Foundation
"Based on my common sense and my life experience, I would like to pass on my knowledge and experience to everyone who really wants it."
Elder community of heirs
"Ulf was the missing stone for me too, because through his revelation, what I had experienced for more than 20 years suddenly made sense."
CEO TempleCoin