Local chapters
Are you a member of Jakob's community of heirs and would you like to network in local groups?
Then you now have the opportunity to enter your location (name of your city) on Google with the official addition "Joint Heirs of Jacob".
Minimum requirements:
You have the EPHI iD identity card of the Nation of Ephraim ( No EPHI iD Card yet? Click here )
You have seating at home for at least 4 people to follow the weekly Shabbat reading online
Zur aktuellen Shabbat Lesung "Wajischlach" 5785 anmelden
Form your own local chapter:
How to open your own EPHI center
You are a member of Jakob's community of heirs and would like to open your own EPHI center?
Then please contact the chairman of the community of heirs Jakobs eV Hubert Rogon for further details if you meet the following minimum requirements:
Minimum requirements:
You have purchased the #Start22Now starter package including the EPHI iD identity card of the nation of Ephraim. No #Start22Now starter package yet? Click here (The #Start22Now package is optionally available including a trust account)
You have a Google Workspace account including @ephraim.info email address ( No @ephraim.info email address yet? Click here )
You have an Ephraim National Gold & Silver Trust trading account ( Do n't have a Trust account yet? Click here )
You participate in the Gold & Silver Exchange of the Ephraim National Gold & Silver Trust and offer the opportunity to host this exchange on Sundays
You have seating at home for at least 4 people to follow the weekly Shabbat reading online
Zur aktuellen Shabbat Lesung "Wajischlach" 5785 anmelden
Open your own EPHI center:
Contact us
Would you like to open your own EPHI center?
If you are interested, contact the chairman of the Jakobs eV community of heirs, Hubert Rogon,
to get more details.
opening hours
Mon - Fri
Temporarily closed
Temporarily closed
Temporarily closed