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Yes I am the firstborn son
" I am not jesus. Neither reincarnation nor Superman. I don't have a supernatural Powers and don't have a flying horse. Neither do I come from the clouds or from a tunnel in the earth. I'm coming back home Back to my beloved city of Jerusalem in Israel.
I am a completely normal person who was born at a certain time. I am from god before From the beginning of time been chosen to to heal the people of Israel and to judge both the living and the dead.
Because of the actions I've taken in my life, I've got the Melchizedek priesthood acquired and I have been doing my job under this profession since 25/05/2015.
That's why I'm on 08/25/2018 at exactly 11 p.m. the main responsibility for the Holy See SANTA SEDE DUNS 438923885 to bring the royal rule from Rome back to Zion as King of all kings and to rule from there. Everyone who wants to Bible and confess to Israel, belongs to my people and is under my rule. "
-Just call me Ulf

About Ulf Diebel

The shiny one understanding
“After an eventful life, I trust with all my strength in the promise of the imminent coming of the kingdom of God. We, the Jacob community of heirs, are currently the only ones in Germany who not only preach the biblical promises, but also do everything possible to achieve them. Because of my human reason, I have known the only God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Even if I don't always agree with Ulf, I know that he always answers my critical questions clearly, understandably and truthfully. ״
Hubert Rogon
Security advisor

The light from the north
“A living son of God chosen from the beginning of all times Consciousness and full responsibility before God I say Keep it strong and smoke Weed every day ״
Norbert Strohmaier
CEO HolyWeedFoundation

The valuable one
“We belong to Jacob's community of heirs. I have recognized that people need help and advice in everyday life, at work and above all in the family and in their free time. Based on my common sense and my life experience, I would like to pass on my knowledge and experience to everyone who really wants to. Taking into account the belief in the One God who does not want any foreign gods next to him. I look forward to every serious request. ״
Anton Mertens
Elder of the community of heirs

The Nazir among the brothers
“Because I realized who I am. And today I know where to go. ZION ״
Yuri Nazirov
CEO eliteplus24

The light from the north
“A living son of God chosen from the beginning of all times Consciousness and full responsibility before God I say Keep it strong and smoke Weed every day ״
Norbert Strohmaier
CEO HolyWeedFoundation

The light from the north
“A living son of God chosen from the beginning of all times Consciousness and full responsibility before God I say Keep it strong and smoke Weed every day ״
Norbert Strohmaier
CEO HolyWeedFoundation

The protector from strangers
“I have always felt it deep inside me. I never reached out for what other people expected of me, but always went my own way. This was not always easy and definitely not always right. And yet it took me exactly where I should be. Aside from irresponsibility, injustice, ignorance, envy and resentment, we are doing the only right thing here. Because we have conspired with God and have become slaves of justice out of freedom. Because I am a Hebrew. ״
Alexander Horn
Chief Content Performer

He to whom God is gracious
“Ulf was the missing stone for me too, because through his revelation, what I had experienced for more than 20 years suddenly made sense. Through Ulf I was able to understand a lot about our world and how all of this relates to the Bible. ״
Hannes Antaszek
CEO TempleCoin

The light from the north
“A living son of God chosen from the beginning of all times Consciousness and full responsibility before God I say Keep it strong and smoke Weed every day ״
Norbert Strohmaier
CEO HolyWeedFoundation