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First Stop: Croatia🇭🇷 The Israeli Foreign Minister, Eli Cohen arrived in Croatia

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Writer: KimyKimy


After the 1st Sanhedrin Haifa Conference has taken place on the 24th of May 2023,

the Israeli Foreign Minister, Eli Cohen, has started his Europe-Trip on the 28th of May 2023. His first stop: Croatia🇭🇷🇮🇱

Warm welcome to HE @elicoh1, FM of Israel (🇮🇱), arriving for an official visit to Croatia (🇭🇷)! @MVEP_hr @grlicradman

-Kroatia be Israel

🇮🇱🇭🇷 - "We continue to strengthen our position in Europe! I have now landed in Zagreb to visit Croatia, and in the coming days I will continue to Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. Many thanks to our ambassador in Croatia @GaryKoren.
Welcome to follow and stay updated.
Good night!"

- Eli Cohen

This morning, paying respects with 🇮🇱 Minister @elicoh1 at the monument to the Homeland in #Zagreb, a lasting symbol of Croatia's thousand-year-long dream for freedom and independence, as well as victory in our Homeland war.

-Gordan Grlić Radman

Standing together at the #Holocaust memorial in #Zagreb with 🇮🇱 @elicoh1 to honor the victims and remember their enduring legacy.
Let us never forget the atrocities of the past and strive towards a world filled with peace and understanding.

-Gordan Grlić Radman

Excellent meeting with the Prime Minister of Croatia, @AndrejPlenkovic.
I thanked him for Croatia's support for Israel in international forums, and we discussed strengthening ties between our two countries.
Israel is a relatively small state with a strong economy, and Croatia wants to expand cooperation with us, for the benefit of both countries.

-Eli Cohen

Jutros sam se sastao s izraelskim ministrom vanjskih poslova Cohenom. Nastavljamo jačati odnose Hrvatske i Izraela🇭🇷🇮🇱! Razgovarali smo o sigurnosnim izazovima te posljedicama ruske agresije na #Ukraine. Izvijestio sam i o aktivnostima tijekom hrvatskog predsjedanja @TheIHRA.
Heute Morgen habe ich mich mit dem israelischen Außenminister Cohen getroffen. Wir stärken weiterhin die Beziehungen zwischen Kroatien und Israel🇭🇷🇮🇱! Wir sprachen über Sicherheitsherausforderungen und die Folgen der russischen Aggression auf die #Ukraine. Ich habe auch über die Aktivitäten während der kroatischen Präsidentschaft von @TheIHRA berichtet.

-Andrej Plenković

Meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia @grlicradman .
Croatia is a friend of Israel in Europe, and the Foreign Minister informed me of his intention to strengthen Croatia's support for votes at the UN related to Israel.
We talked about expanding cooperation in the fields of economy, innovation and tourism, and about opening a direct flight line between the countries.
Strengthening relations with Croatia, and with the countries of the European Union in general, is of strategic importance to the State of Israel.

-Eli Cohen

Thank you for the warm meal, President of Croatia Zorn Milanovic!
We are strengthening relations between Israel and Croatia for the benefit of the interests of both countries 🇮🇱🇭🇷

-Eli Cohen

Stärkung der strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen Kroatien und dem Staat Israel

In meiner Eigenschaft als Präsident der Freundschaftsgruppe Kroatien-Israel nahm ich am Treffen zwischen dem Vizepräsidenten des Parlaments Željko Reiner und dem Außenminister Israels, Eli Cohen, teil, bei dem wir noch einmal die hervorragenden Beziehungen zwischen Kroatien und Israel bestätigten und die weitere Zusammenarbeit besprochen haben.

-Marijana Petir

Today in #Zagreb, Ministers 🇭🇷 @grlicradman and 🇮🇱 @elicoh1 signed the #MoU on Cooperation for Development that will enable providing joint aid to countries of our neighbourhood and worldwide in achieving their development goals - contributing to peace, security and stability.

Cilj @TheIHRA, kojom 🇭🇷 ove godine predsjeda, je održati sjećanje na Holokaust nakon što nas napuste zadnji preživjeli svjedoci, kroz izradu i korištenje digitalnih i tehnoloških rješenja. Predlaže se izrada digitalne platforme i aplikativnog rješenja USC Shoah Foundation.

Das Ziel von @TheIHRA, dessen Vorsitz Kroatien 🇭🇷 dieses Jahr innehat, ist es, die Erinnerung an den Holocaust zu bewahren, nachdem die letzten überlebenden Zeugen uns verlassen haben, durch die Schaffung und Nutzung digitaler und technologischer Lösungen. Es wird vorgeschlagen, eine digitale Plattform und Anwendungslösung der USC Shoah Foundation zu schaffen.

It was honor & pleasure to host Your Excellency @elicoh1 for a milestone visit to 🇭🇷. Looking forward to follow up & l’hitraot (doviđenja) 🇭🇷&🇮🇱!

-Kroatia be Israel



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