Ephraim book series
This package contains all books in the Ephraim book series: "The Law of Rome", "Ephraim's Letters", "GDPR War Scroll", "Woelki & the Heir", "1260Days of Revelation" and "Who is Israel?"
502 pages - German / English
This folder of laws, which was created after 4 years of study by Ephraim, priest according to the Melchizedek order, contains all valid and applicable laws in connection with Ephraim and is intended to serve as a study, research and discussion basis for the community of heirs of Jacob and the national and international legal entities in order to take on the inheritance that is written and promised in the Holy Scriptures, to fulfill it and to bring it into harmony with the rights and laws that are valid and accepted today.
234 pages - German / English
A compilation of all letters from May 23, 2017 to October 28, 2018.
Ephraim's letters begin with the urgent application GG Art. 17 on May 23, 2017 to clarify the Jerusalem question. According to my letter of April 12th, 2018 to the US Embassy in Berlin, Mike Pompeo will become foreign minister of the CIA and appoint Elan Carr as anti-Semitism officer on April 12th, 2018 .. The letter of August 8th, 2018 to Volker Kauder and the one on September 10th, 2018 to Heiko Maas will make everyone understand why the SPD has engineered the government crisis around constitutional chief Maaßen.
326 pages - German / English
The Red Book - GDPR is the 325 pages compilation of personal data that was created after 3 years as "Ephraim, priest according to the Melchizedek order" as the final document.
To clean up the data and to recognize Ephraim, these documents were sent to the US Ambassador Richard Grenell, the Israeli Ambassador Jeremy Issacharoff, the Federal Minister of the Interior, Building and Heimar Horst Seehofer, the Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner and the lawyer Robin Fritz. Delivered in 2018.
193 pages - German
Das Rote Buch - Erbe “is a compilation and commentary of all relevant information that revolves around the person Rainer Maria Woelki, who holds an exceptional position among all German Catholics as the administrator of the Apostolic See. Rainer Maria Woelki is legally obliged to hand over the entire property management and property of the church to the son and heir. Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki was asked directly to make an appointment, because the Archbishop of Cologne also has to face the fact that Jesus Christ the Jew is not coming back, but the firstborn from the dead and faithful witness from Jerusalem who holds the key to David Has.
272 pages - German
The now completed work “1260 Days of Revelation” includes the activities of the two witnesses from March 20th, 2015 (solar eclipse) to August 31st, 2018 (121st anniversary of the World Zionist Congress), as well as the activities of the Son of Man from January 1st, 2015 to June 14th, 2018 , the 72nd birthday of Donald Trump and puts the actions of "Ephraim, priest according to the order Melchizedek" in direct connection with the headlines in the public media.
As is generally accepted in biblical prophecy, the time indications in the Bible had to be completed first. Basically, it's pretty simple. In our time there were godless who believed everything and Bible readers who only did what is written.
78 pages - German
In 1998/99 I became interested in a very specific subject in the Bible - the two houses Israel, which widely referred to as the "lost tribes". After the publication of “Torah.de - the book” in 2001 I began to represent the topic of the two houses publicly and thus triggered a storm of indignation among the leadership of various Christian organizations. Not only would the issue be misrepresented, but most importantly, it would confuse and divide the sheep in the church. So I began to write down my arguments in order to face the recurring questions of the most diverse theological camps, from which the following book ultimately emerged.
173 pages - German / English
With this First Extension - Law & Order of "The Law of Rome" we present the first extension of the collection of the most important applicable and valid international laws and treaties, which was first published on October 21st, 2018 and expanded on August 11th, 2019 for the 100th anniversary of the Weimar Constitution , especially the texts that were approved or signed after the last edition.
The following laws are included in this edition:
5. EXECUTIVE ORDER 13899 on Combating Anti-Semitism
6. Proclamation 10015 of April 24, 2020 on World Intellectual Property Day, 2020
7. Proclamation 10018 of April 29, 2020 on Law Day, USA, 2020
8. EXECUTIVE ORDER 13926 on Advancing International Religious Freedom
157 Pages - German
We are writing this report as a community project of the nation of Ephraim. Fully aware of our responsibility before God, man and with a deep understanding of belonging to the progenitor Abraham and the lost tribes of Israel.
The nation of Ephraim is one of those tribes and the knowledge that comes with it enables us to portray and expose anti-Semitism in all its diversity. The mass of people mistakenly believe that antisemitism represents hatred of Jews, but non-Jews can be affected by antisemitism as well. In our report, we want to give a rough outline of how great this anti-Semitism actually is.
In recent years we have published thousands of videos, blogs and documents on this and have proven and presented anti-Semitism against Jews and non-Jews down to the smallest detail. Both on an international level, as well as on a national and even regional level.
This has created a mountain of information that, to the uninitiated, seems almost impenetrable as it is a grand compilation of world history, geopolitics, and Bible prophecy. In order to make it easier for an interested reader to get started, we leave out the biblical reference in large parts of this report, since we have had to realize in recent years that as soon as the Bible was mentioned, deeper discussions were no longer possible. All events compiled in this report are directly related to the Bible and its fulfillment in the end times.
We keep making big leaps in history, since the only way to show anti-Semitism against Gentiles is to refer to the period before the Roman destruction of the Holy Land and the dispersal of the tribes of Israel, some Jewish and some Gentiles were and which peoples and nations of today emerged from these tribes.
After we began publishing our findings to explain the Semitic origins of the Germans and other European peoples, we faced a wave of hate that showed us just how prevalent anti-Semitism really is in Western societies. How important and right our work is can be seen from the fact that the whole system started to thrash about and pulled out all the stops to hide our insights from the people. They went so far that children were stolen, our facilities damaged, defamatory public relations were carried out and the illegal foreclosure of our property in Harsewinkel was promoted.
As a community we have recognized that the solution to our problem as the nation of Ephraim and for Germany can only be brought about when Jews and Germans are reconciled. But there is no interest in peace in the Middle East on the part of the authorities in Rome and the Federal Republic of Germany administration. Our efforts to bring about peace in the Holy Land brought all the systemic hatred of the anti-Semites in Germany down on us and revealed so much hatred that one had to fear for one's life and some members had to flee Germany, whose reason of state is "Israel". , has led. Never in our lives would we have thought that the systemic hatred in Germany for the real Israel is so pronounced.
100 Pages - English
International Religious Freedom with President Donald J. Trump provides an overview of Donald Trump's work on Israel and International Religious Freedom after receiving Ephraim's letter dated 09/15/2018.